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Nurturing tomorrow

for future generations today.

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Dung gets it done with Love

Every purchase of Rhino Balls eco-firelighters contributes towards protecting our rhinos.

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Tread a
Little Lighter

Lower your carbon footprint by starting up your next fire with Lighter Balls eco-firelighters

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Clever eco-friendlier products work.

More than ever compassion needs to be active.

Sustainable products should be accessible and preferable to the everyday person in their everyday lives.

At Lighter for Nature, we're championing this better reality by creating and endorsing remarkable products and projects which turn waste into wonder. Along with our partners and our shared resourcefulness and optimism, we're nurturing tomorrow by helping consumers make informed decisions today.

It's our promise. To our home planet which sustains us. And to all future generations. Of every living thing.
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Look for the Lighter Seal

We're guiding a growing number of eco-conscious consumers around the world toward purchasing choices that help them lessen their impact on our home planet. Products and projects who wear it, proudly and proactively contribute towards safeguarding our natural resources, habitats, fauna, and flora by being resourceful and ingenious.

Encouraging sustainable manufacturing practices starts by promoting those who are already doing it.

Our Lighter products

rhinoballs balls

Rhino Balls

Our eco-friendlier firelighter is made from rhino dung.

The average African rhino produces nearly 50 pounds of dung a day, consisting mostly of burnable grassy and woody materials. After being collected, dried, and processed, we add wax and wick (and nothing else) to create a 100% natural firelighter, free from toxic chemicals, like kerosene.

*Available in conveniently sized 8 and 48-packs.

100% Non-Toxic • Odourless • Waterproof • No residue
lighterballs balls

Lighter Balls

A 100% natural eco-firelighter made from wood shavings and wax.

Now consumers can tread a little lighter and lower their carbon footprint by choosing to start their next fire with an eco-friendlier alternative. 100% non-toxic, odourless, safe, and easy to use - Lighter Balls* are the most natural way to light a fire that won't quit on you.

*Available in a conveniently sized 10-pack with our original round ball and now also in a 48-pack in the new half ball (BUT THE SAME burning time!)

100% Non-Toxic • Odourless • Waterproof • No residue

Where to buy? Right here!

Our partners